Rewind the clock by remaking your smile with dental implants

What’s more timeless than a perfect smile? For many mature adults, tackling the visible signs of aging is largely a losing proposition. No matter how much you slice, dice, nip, or tuck, the skin will naturally lose its elasticity and sag over time. In fact, sometimes intervening to combat aging with procedures and treatments that are literally only skin deep can result in outcomes that not only don’t last but also may look unnatural.

For those looking for a dramatic, and long-lasting way to enhance their appearance without looking unnatural or plastic, dental implants can be the perfect solution. If your enhancement goals are dramatic results that look natural and often last a lifetime, dental implants or All On 4 dental implants should be your first choice.

“By replacing missing, rotten, or damaged teeth with dental implants, patients not only look younger, they also feel younger and more confident.”

— Dr. Reza Khazaie, DDS, Prosthodontist

3 Ways to Look Decades Younger with Dental Implants

1. Dental implants rewind the clock aesthetically.

Dental implants, whether to replace a single missing tooth or to remake and reimagine a person’s smile from the roots up, can make a person look years if not decades younger. The sheer act of smiling can make you look younger. Unfortunately, it can be incredibly difficult to crack a smile with broken, crooked, or missing teeth.

By replacing missing, rotten, or damaged teeth with dental implants, patients not only look younger, but they also feel younger and more confident. Patients with dental implants have the confidence to flash their flawless smile freely and frequently which, in turn, makes them more sociable and appear younger. It’s a positive feedback loop that can be transformative.

2. Dental implants rewind the clock functionally.

There’s nothing more embarrassing than having a set of dentures accidentally fall out of your mouth. Dental implants provide a teeth replacement treatment that not only looks great but gives patients their functionality back without the potential for embarrassment. With dental implants, there’s no need to worry about denture accidents.

Dental implants also provide a permanent solution for missing or broken teeth, thereby allowing patients to bite, chew, speak, and move their mouths about as they could with their natural teeth. In fact, dental implants are anatomically an extension of your mouth thanks to a process known as osseointegration. When implants are osseointegrated, they become like functional natural teeth with the same stability, resilience, and mouthfeel.

3. Dental implants rewind the clock physically and anatomically.

Dental implants play a critical role in the maintenance of adequate facial bone depth. Patients with missing teeth often suffer from premature aging due to a phenomenon known as “facial disintegration” caused by natural bone resorption. Dental implants promote bone retention and combat resorption, thereby providing a healthy and beautiful facial structure.

Expertly executed dental implants not only provide an aesthetic replacement for missing or broken teeth, but they also return patients to full dental function and help combat the wasting away of facial bone tissues.

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How does facial disintegration work?

Prevents sunken face - dental implants

Facial disintegration is a natural process that occurs in most individuals as they age but is particularly pronounced in those with missing teeth. As people age, they naturally lose bone depth and density in their bones throughout the body. That’s why the elderly are particularly susceptible to osteoporosis and brittle bones.

In the face, this natural aging process reduces the amount and strength of bone tissue in the face and jaw. As people reach their advanced years, particularly in their late 60’s and beyond, the mature adult face begins to exhibit visible and structural signs of bone reduction. This is most commonly manifest as hollower-looking cheeks and weaker jaws. With a reduction in the underlying bone structure, skin can loosen and drape unnaturally, resulting in wrinkling and visible aging. However, when patients are missing teeth or opt for non-implant teeth replacement treatments such as traditional dentures, facial aging’s visible signs are dramatically more pronounced. This is known as facial collapse, or facial disintegration, and is the direct result of failing to replace missing teeth with dental implants.

When missing teeth are not replaced, the body begins to undergo a process known as bone resorption. Without your natural teeth, the body assumes that the underlying structural bones, particularly in the face and jaws, are no longer necessary and will reabsorb the bone tissues into the body. This is simultaneously very useful and yet also destructive to a person’s facial beauty. If there are no teeth to support, then there is no need for the body to unnecessarily expending energy and resources buttressing the underlying supports. However, the result is visible facial disintegration and noticeable aging.

To combat natural resorption, it is important to replace missing teeth as soon as possible with an implant-based solution. Implants essentially replace the structure of a natural tooth, including the roots and crown, with prosthetics. As a result, the body retains, maintains, and in some cases, may even build up its underlying bone structures in the jaw and face to support the implant. There is no functional difference between an osseointegrated dental implant and the roots of a natural tooth to the body. All it knows is that something is there that requires support; thus, it dials back the rate of natural bone resorption.

Facial disintegration can only be treated with implant-based solutions. Other dental replacement procedures and prosthetics, such as traditional dentures and bridges, do not penetrate the underlying jaw bone and do not effectively transfer stimulating forces from the mouth into the bone.

In a healthy mouth, mastication (chewing) forces are transferred into the bone tissues via the roots. When a natural tooth is extracted and the roots are removed, that signal pathway is disrupted, leading the body to mistakenly believe that the hard tissues beneath that tooth are no longer needed. By replacing missing roots with an artificial implant embedded and integrated into the bone, the signal pathway is restored.

“Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.”

— Dr. Reza Khazaie, DDS, Prosthodontist

Dental implants are beautiful, natural, and long-lasting

Most patients seeking cosmetic enhancements are looking for results that not only dramatically improve and enhance their appearance but also for treatments that look natural and don’t require constant upkeep. The goal for most people is to look good, look natural, and not have to worry about maintenance. When it comes to combating facial aging, cosmetic products that meet these critical criteria are rare.

Botox, for example, is a great temporary solution to the problem of wrinkles and aging skin. However, the benefits of botulism injections fade in time. Nipping and tucking the skin on the face can create the illusion of youth, but unless the underlying bone structures are addressed, can still look unnatural.

Are dental implants the best bank for your buck?

When it comes to selecting the best cosmetic procedure for addressing facial aging, it’s not only about the sticker price. Rather, we encourage patients to think about the long-term ramifications, both physical and financial, of each procedure they are considering. Many patients fail to consider the life cycle costs (LCC) when comparing various cosmetic procedures.

Dental implants can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 or more per tooth. Full mouth reconstruction or total dental replacement can cost even more. While this may put some patients off at first, dental implants are quite competitive when the life cycle costs are taken into consideration.

Imagine a patient who opts for a transformative full-mouth dental implant treatment. The resulting smile is flawless, beautiful, dazzling, and in a word, perfect. Flashing that perfect smile brings the patient immense joy and self-confidence. That bright smile might also translate into better opportunities at work and better relationships with others.

Beneath the surface, the dental implants are playing a critical role in maintaining underlying facial bone structures. This helps to keep the face looking fuller and more youthful. By maintaining the bone, helps to provide adequate structure for the skin on the surface. All these benefits are realized with dental implants.

“Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.”

— Dr. Reza Khazaie, DDS, Prosthodontist

With proper care and dental hygiene, your smile will last for decades, if not the rest of their life, and continue to add value for years to come. When looking at the long-term return on investment (ROI) of dental implants in self-confidence, enhanced aesthetics, and improved functionality, dental implants are a tremendous value for your investment.

Dental implants are often a solution that will last a lifetime

Reclaim the face of youth, your face, with dental implants. Dental implants provide a beautiful, dazzling smile, they also play a critical physiological role in the maintenance of youthful beauty beneath the skin.

Dental implants also promote strong facial bones that resist natural aging processes, such as bone resorption and facial disintegration, while providing unmatched dental functionality. If you want to look decades younger, invest in a solution that will often last for a lifetime!

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